- US$0.46
Price range(US$/tCO2e)
- US$167
of global emissions priced above the recommended level
For each jurisdiction the main price rate (covering the largest volume of emissions in the jurisdiction) is shown, subject to any filters applied.
Prices are not directly comparable due to differences in coverage, compliance and compensation arrangements. Prices are on 1 April, or latest available prior to 1 April each year. Note that some jurisdictions have multiple instruments in place. For example, Poland has a carbon tax but is also covered by the EU ETS. Coverage estimates for subnational Mexico carbon taxes are not available—approximate estimates have been included, based on the fuels covered by each instrument.
* Indicates instruments with multiple price levels. Only the main rate is shown for these instruments.
Shows the main price set by ETSs and Carbon taxes (US$/tCO2e), subject to any filters applied
Carbon Tax | ETS | % of jurisdiction emissions covered |
80-100% | ||
60-80% | ||
40-60% | ||
20-40% | ||
<20% |
- Carbon tax
* Indicates instruments with multiple price levels. Only the main rate is shown for these instruments. Prices are not directly comparable due to differences in coverage, compliance and compensation arrangements. Prices are on 1 April, or latest available prior to 1 April each year. Note that some jurisdictions have multiple instruments in place. For example, Poland has a carbon tax but is also covered by the EU ETS.
* Indicates instruments with multiple price levels. Only the main rate is shown. Note that some jurisdictions have multiple instruments in place. For example, Poland has a carbon tax but is also covered by the EU ETS.