Crediting Factsheets

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard

The State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard is an interactive online tool aimed at policymakers, businesses, and researchers. It provides the latest information on existing and emerging direct carbon pricing initiatives around the world.

Name of Mechanism

Nova Scotia Crediting Mechanism
Fund credit and performance credit
Implemented in 2023
Nova Scotia

Eligible Activities

Countries Hosting Projects:


Regulated facilities pay the Nova Scotia Government for fund credits when they owe a compliance obligation (i.e., when they have emitted in excess of their emissions limit). The Nova Scotia government may award regulated facilities a performance credit when they have emitted less than their emissions limit. This means that one performance credit is equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent and one fund credit is equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent. The price of fund and performance credits escalates from 2023-2030 according to Canada’s Minimum National Carbon Pollution Price Schedule (2023-2030).

Recent Developments:

Release of the Output-based Pricing System Reporting and Compliance Regulations & Standard on January 31, 2024.

Relation to Compliance Carbon Pricing Instruments or other Voluntary Schemes in the country:

Nova Scotia Output Based Pricing System

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