Crediting Factsheets

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard

The State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard is an interactive online tool aimed at policymakers, businesses, and researchers. It provides the latest information on existing and emerging direct carbon pricing initiatives around the world.

Name of Mechanism

British Columbia Offset Program
British Columbia Offset Units and British Columbia Earned Credits
Implemented in 2016
British Columbia

Eligible Activities

  • Energy Efficiency / Fuel Switching
  • Forestry / Land Use
  • Waste

Countries Hosting Projects:


British Columbia’s crediting mechanism was legislated through the GHG Emission Control Regulation under the Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act (GGIRCA) in 2014. Emissions reductions from projects within British Columbia can earn British Columbia Offset Units, which can then be sold to facilities covered under the GGIRCA—a baseline and-credit ETS, such as pulp and paper operators, to satisfy their legislative requirements. The Canadian Federal Government recognized British Columbia's offset programs as source of credits for the federal OBPS program in August 2020. Regulated operations with emissions reductions less than the emissions limit applicable can hold Earned Credit, which can then be sold to facilities to satisfy their compliance obligation.

Recent Developments:

The "Methane from Organic Waste protocol" was published in August 2022. In 2023, the Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Protocol consultation and Forest Carbon Offset Protocol consultation were taken to prepare the offset protocol policy.

Relation to Compliance Carbon Pricing Instruments or other Voluntary Schemes in the country:

Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act (GGIRCA)

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